Do not take up Nursing
Filed Under: Advice
Do not take up nursing!
Fresh graduate, you may be wondering what to take up right now for college. When I was your age, I found myself in that situation. Fresh out of high school, I absolutely had no sense of direction whatsoever. What I had were people hyping a course called Nursing.
They were claiming it was the practical course to take. These people were saying that Nursing would assure you a job abroad. But this my friends is fallacy. And by the time I realized that I was halfway through my course... A course I simply had no passion for.
I was in college wasting my time and my parents' money on a course I thought I would gradually learn to love but never did. I've graduated and so have thousands of Filipinos. There are not enough job opportunities. By the simple law of supply and demand, there is an oversupply of nurses in the Philippines. DOLE knows that, the PNA knows that, even educational institutions like the University of the Philippines have proven that.
So unless you truly want to be a nurse to serve the sick and the needy and not just because of those dreams of making money. You don't have to take up Nursing. Forget those "advices" by those misguided peers. Do not be pressured by those seemingly unchangeable orders of your parents. It's your choice!
Are you at the brink of insanity in choosing the course for you? Pray to God.
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