Breaking Bad S05E16 - Felina - Series Finale

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SE05E16 "Felina"
Directed and Written by: Vince Gilligan

Stopping Dota 2 for a day.
It's time to watch the season finale of Breaking Bad!

It's sad that to watch the last episode of Breaking Bad.
But I've got some good news for you all.

They're making a spin-off series called - BETTER CALL SAUL.
That's right!

Walter White's lawyer is going to have a series of his own.

Hashtag: #breakingbad

Super Selfie Dance - Space Jam Song

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Super Selfie - Tune Squad 

Super Selfie Song: Space Jam - Quad City DJs
Performed by: Gabriel Valenciano

WTF is happening?
Gabriel Valenciano (son of Gary Valenciano) dances to a remixed version of the Space Jam theme song.

We'll stream ourselves eating a Croatian shoe if this video does not go viral.

You can follow the dancer on Twitter: @gabvalenciano